Between all of the disconnection and chaos that is happening in the world and the almost daily conversations I’m having with leaders and teams lately, I’ve been thinking about the power of using our voice in productive ways and what holds us back and gets in our way. Do any of the following sound familiar...
Tag: self-compassion
What Kintsugi Can Teach Us About Living Authentically
Are you showing up as your fully authentic self in ALL areas of your life? If you’re like most human beings, my guess is probably not. You see, in the first 10 or so years of our life, our brains are downloading programming from our lived experiences and observing our surroundings; this programming tells us...
Lessons About Life & Leadership From Parenting a 13-Year-Old
I’ve previously written blogs about incredible life and leadership lessons I’ve been gifted from my son, Peyton. And I know I’m not alone. When I’m doing developmental work with leaders, I regularly hear comments from them on how applicable the skills and tools are to parenting; it’s not in a paternalistic or condescending way but more...
3 Lessons Barbie Can Teach Us About Rehumanizing Workplaces
You might be thinking that I’ve completely lost my mind. After all, what in the world could some plastic dolls – and a movie about them – possibly convey about creating more human workplaces? Well, bear with me for a moment… I decided to see what the hype was all about and saw the Barbie...
Build Your Own Yellow Brick Road
When’s the last time you let yourself dream big – I mean really dream? I’m not talking about having a moment where you wish for something more but then just as quickly short-circuit it with dismissive thoughts. I’m talking about holding space to let yourself really envision a bigger, brighter future. In his book, The...
What Dr. Seuss Can Teach Us About Leadership
Usually when we think about Dr. Seuss, what comes to mind are children’s books, bright colored characters with silly names, and lots of rhyming. And while these all are true, it turns out that when we look a little closer, there are incredible lessons to be learned about leadership. Leadership never has been – and...
Finding a Courageous Path Forward When Life is Hard
Let’s face it, life can be REALLY challenging and hard at times: Parenting is hard. Dealing with aging parents is hard. Creating harmony between our personal and professional lives can be hard. Navigating the constant disruption in our world is hard. Even asking for and accepting help can be hard. So what do you do...
4 Valuable Lessons on Leadership & Perseverance from a 12-Year-Old
How often in life have you almost – or completely – given up on something…even when you’ve been working hard for it? It happens to many of us. Recently, my 12-year old son, Peyton, gifted me with some valuable lessons related to leadership and perseverance that I think are applicable for many people; so I...
3 Key Lessons on How You Can Reverse-Engineer Success
As a person who creates a lot of content, I used to get down on myself quite a bit… “I’m not saying anything truly original or that hasn’t been said before, so what’s the point?” “If it’s not completely new and innovative, it doesn’t have value.” “Who cares what I have to say?” These are...
Embrace the Squiggles and Detours
Let me ask you a question… Do you learn and grow more from the things that go well and as you planned/hoped? or Do you learn and grow more from the things that didn’t go well or as you planned? If you’re like most humans, my guess is you said the latter. As much as...