Every one of us can equip another to be their best self. Here is what is inspiring me.
Rosie's Must-Reads

The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown
Perfection is a myth and unattainable goal – plain and simple. In this book, Brene shows us why and how to embrace our imperfections and step into our greatness.

Permission to Screw Up, Kristen Hadeed
Kristen is a force for letting our humanity shine and embracing mistakes as a path for learning and growth. This book shares her journey and powerful leadership lessons.

Radical Candor, Kim Scott
Kim Scott uses her experiences as an executive at Google and Apple to provide a critical effective feedback formula I swear by: caring personally + challenging directly.

The Fearless Organization, Amy Edmondson
We must feel psychologically safe if we’re going to show up and contribute, take risks, etc. This book shows how we can create a fearless organization one team at a time.

Firms of Endearment, Raj Sisodia, et al.
This book shows how conscious, human businesses can be wildly successful (including outperforming the S&P 500 by 14-to-1) and how they’re breaking the mold of “business-as-usual”

Leadership on the Line, Ronald Heifetz & Marty Linsky
To lead change is to live dangerously. Someone has to do it; so why not you? This book shows how to lead positive change and minimize the perceived risks and danger.

The Outward Mindset, The Arbinger Institute
If we want to stop playing it safe and small and have more collaboration, we must shift to an Outward Mindset – seeing people as humans and then adusting our efforts to be more helpful.

Leadership and Self-Deception, The Arbinger Institute
People respond more to who we’re BEING than what we do. This book reveals how we justify standing in judgment and how to break these unproductive cycles that hinder relationships and collaboration.

The Advantage, Patrick Lencioni
Effective organizations are both smart and healthy – and spend most of their time building health. This book covers 4 key disciplines for building organizational health and effective leadership teams.

Mindset, Carol Dweck
Success in our lives is dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities. This book shows how we can build a growth mindset and transform our lives.
These are some professional heroes who have inspired me and who I've been fortunate enough to meet...and honored to have become friends with a few of them.

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