I had the wonderful opportunity to chat with Nancy Pautsch and Envision IT on their Geek Speak podcast about what we need to be more human and intentional during these times of crisis (and beyond) – especially with more remote work and physical separation. My part starts around 17:00. And super grateful for Nancy’s raving endorsement...
Video Podcast: Advancing Wellness
Rosie was a guest on the Advancing Wellness podcast with Mari Ryan. She discusses why and how our workplaces have become dehumanized and key principles from her new book, Rehumanizing the Workplace, that we can leverage to rehumanize our workplaces and communities. Watch the podcast interview
Cultivating an Outward Mindset to Navigate Uncertain and Challenging Times
COVID-19 has thrown all of us into an incredible space of adaptive challenges– which are those that have no known solution and require us to shift our mindsets and elevate our resourcefulness in order to solve. The unprecedented challenges we’re facing with this global pandemic can, and in many ways is, inviting us to operate...
Video Interview: Springfield Business Journal
Rosie was interviewed by the Springfield Business Journal on key considerations for organizations to create the conditions for people to thrive. Watch a clip of the interview
Podcast: Bold Business Women
Rosie was a guest on the Bold Business Women Podcast where she discussed boldly showing up as fully human, challenging the status quo and how we can create more human workplaces. Listen now
5 Key Lessons a 9-Year-Old Can Teach Us About Life and Leadership
Whether or not you have kids, they can provide us with incredible life lessons. My 9-year old son, Peyton, has gifted me with some incredible lessons lately that have been invaluable for me – personally and professionally. As I work with teams and coach people to be more effective, I realize that the lessons he...
Interview: Southern New Hampshire University
Rosie was interviewed for an eBook from Southern New Hampshire University discussing why we need to approach learning and development from the inside out. Want more insights on how a deliberate approach to learning can help create a high-performance culture? Download the eBook (Learning is the Lever: How a Deliberate Approach to Learning Creates a...
Podcast: Truly Human Leadership
Dr. Rosie discusses the challenges of workplace wellbeing with Bob Chapman on The Truly Human Leadership podcast. LISTEN NOW
The Importance of Practicing SELF-Gratitude
Human beings are complex and messy; we frequently get in our own way, preventing us from showing up as our best, authentic selves. We don’t start each day wanting to look stupid, disconnected, or ineffective. Most of us want to look smart, capable, and helpful. However, we also don’t like to be vulnerable where we’re...
Interview: SAP Business Exchange
Rosie was interviewed by SAP Business Exchange, where she shared key ideas for creating a more human workplace. The article also highlights one of the companies featured in her new book. Read the article